Best route from Karakol to Almaty: the Kegen Border Crossing

To get from Karakol to Almaty, the shortest and most economical route would be to get there via the Kegen border crossing. However, crossing this border can be quite tricky as there is limited public transport and online information about this particular border crossing.

The safest option would be to first go to Bishkek and then go through the Kordai border crossing to Almaty. However, if you’re flexible with your plans and ready for an adventure, crossing into Kazakhstan via Kegen is a quiet, scenic route that gives you ample opportunities to socialise with the locals.

On the way towards Almaty, you could even make a detour to some of the natural wonders around this region such as Charyn Canyon, Kolsai & Kaindy Lakes, Altyn Emel National Park and Turgen Gorge.

Kaindy Lake
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